some of you just make me laugh and laugh and laugh ...
Let me break this down for you as simply as I can ...
"Take off all these links. They are copywrite and stolen you have been reported!
By Anonymous on 4/16/11"
first of all, it's "copyright" .. not "write" .. and YOU don't hold the copyright to them so YOU don't have the authority to tell me to take them down.
Second, even if you DID have the authority, these albums are LONG out of print which negates the copyright law. Next time, before you go making accusations, learn the law you're trying to use!
NO and I repeat
NO links on my page have been stolen!! Every single one belongs to ME!! Uploaded by ME from Cd's in MY collection to MY megaupload page!! But, nice try
Fourth, I highly doubt I have been reported as I've not been contacted by Blogger. Or if I have been reported, Blogger realized that #1 these albums are no longer in print, therefore I've done nothing wrong and/or #2 realized you're an idiot and dismissed your claim.
Lastly, I have a real hard time taking anyone serious who refuses to post who they are. You wanna debate me, you wanna call me out, fine, use your REAL name .. don't hide behind a computer screen and make "anonymous" posts. Have some balls. My name and my picture are displayed for all to see right on my profile .. I'm not hiding.
All in all, nice try but, epic fail!!