01 Pretty Must Die
02 Fags
03 All Souls
04 Unsung
05 Systematic
06 Super Down
07 Superstar
08 So Damn Right
09 Soul Is Light
10 She Moves
11 Seven Hours
12 Man On The Moon
13 Hampton Park
14 Annastasia
Friday, December 2, 2011
Super TransAtlantic - Shuttlecock (2000)

01 Shuttlecock
02 High
03 Superstar
04 Dumb
05 Lied
06 She Moves
07 Superdown
08 Satellite
09 Pretty Must Die
10 7 Hours
11 Wonderful
12 Worlds Collide
Thursday, April 28, 2011
California Metal I & II

California Metal
01. Deadlock - Barren Cross
02. Marching On - Guardian
03. I Need Your Love - Neon Cross
04. I Surrender - Hero
05. A Space Called You - Deliverance
06. Wasn't It Love - Mastedon
07. Spiritual Warfare - Guardian
08. Attack - Deliverance
09. Sing It Out - Hero
10. Son Of God - Neon Cross

California Metal II
01. Runaway - Vision
02. Traitor - Emerald
03. Light the Fire - Recon
04. Borderline - Soldier
05. Heart of Stone - Judea
06. Get Up - Mastedon
07. Sin Killer - Ransom
08. Born to Die - Emerald
09. Knock - Judea
10. Tears - Soldier
11. Dreams - Recon
Underground Metal I & 2

Underground Metal - 1988
01 Bjorn Stigsson – Come On
02 Armada – But It’s Only Rock And Roll
03 Chosen Stranger – So Glad
04 Paradox – Meet The King
05 Torn Flesh – No Surfin’ In Hell
06 Watchmen – Fear No Evil
07 Chariot – Step Into Light
08 Paragon – Why Are There So Many Sinners
09 Mercy Rule – Cities Are Burning

Underground Metal 2 - 1989
01 Kick in the Gates of Hell - Zion
02 Victim of the Night - Phil Accardi's Chalice
03 Kiss the Black - Knight Riot
04 Lost - Image
05 The Stranger - Ironwrath
06 Can't You See - Remnant
07 Listen - Final Warning
08 Dark War - Xalt
**I transfered these from cassettes to MP3 .. Tracks 01 Bjorn Stigsson – Come On and 05 Torn Flesh – No Surfin’ In Hell have a little bit of a "warped" sound to them from the cassette. they still sound ok but aren't perfect. the rest of the songs sound good
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Oh my, my, my ...
some of you just make me laugh and laugh and laugh ...
Let me break this down for you as simply as I can ...
"Take off all these links. They are copywrite and stolen you have been reported!
By Anonymous on 4/16/11"
first of all, it's "copyright" .. not "write" .. and YOU don't hold the copyright to them so YOU don't have the authority to tell me to take them down.
Second, even if you DID have the authority, these albums are LONG out of print which negates the copyright law. Next time, before you go making accusations, learn the law you're trying to use!
Third, NO and I repeat NO links on my page have been stolen!! Every single one belongs to ME!! Uploaded by ME from Cd's in MY collection to MY megaupload page!! But, nice try
Fourth, I highly doubt I have been reported as I've not been contacted by Blogger. Or if I have been reported, Blogger realized that #1 these albums are no longer in print, therefore I've done nothing wrong and/or #2 realized you're an idiot and dismissed your claim.
Lastly, I have a real hard time taking anyone serious who refuses to post who they are. You wanna debate me, you wanna call me out, fine, use your REAL name .. don't hide behind a computer screen and make "anonymous" posts. Have some balls. My name and my picture are displayed for all to see right on my profile .. I'm not hiding.
All in all, nice try but, epic fail!!
Let me break this down for you as simply as I can ...
"Take off all these links. They are copywrite and stolen you have been reported!
By Anonymous on 4/16/11"
first of all, it's "copyright" .. not "write" .. and YOU don't hold the copyright to them so YOU don't have the authority to tell me to take them down.
Second, even if you DID have the authority, these albums are LONG out of print which negates the copyright law. Next time, before you go making accusations, learn the law you're trying to use!
Third, NO and I repeat NO links on my page have been stolen!! Every single one belongs to ME!! Uploaded by ME from Cd's in MY collection to MY megaupload page!! But, nice try
Fourth, I highly doubt I have been reported as I've not been contacted by Blogger. Or if I have been reported, Blogger realized that #1 these albums are no longer in print, therefore I've done nothing wrong and/or #2 realized you're an idiot and dismissed your claim.
Lastly, I have a real hard time taking anyone serious who refuses to post who they are. You wanna debate me, you wanna call me out, fine, use your REAL name .. don't hide behind a computer screen and make "anonymous" posts. Have some balls. My name and my picture are displayed for all to see right on my profile .. I'm not hiding.
All in all, nice try but, epic fail!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
To The Douchebag Stealing Links ...
Dear Douchebag,
I understand that it's comman practice to take stuff from someone elses blog and post it on your own. I personally have never done this! Everything you see posted on my page is from my personal collection and has been uploaded by ME! With that being said, typically, I don't have a problem seeing my work on other people's blog but YOU sir, have taken this act to a whole NEW level!!!
Let me explain to those "not in the loop" .. I was directed to another blog (who we will refer too as Blog A) by a friend of mine and was told he thought this person had posted some things taken from my page .. how do I know that these things were taken from my page? Simple, the post by Blog A had artwork for albums that I personally had made!! The original album had no artwork. Now, as I said, I know this is pretty common and honestly, I found it amusing. I post things on my blog because I want to share music that I have that others may not so, knowing that people are "stealing" (and that's in quotes for a reason .. but we'll get to that in a minute) from my page and putting it on thiers is really no big deal to me .. it's still serving the purpose which is to share great music.
Now, let me get to the meat of my rant and more specifically Mr. Douchebag!! As I said, I knew Blog A was reposting things from my page .. Blog A at least had the deceny to re-upload the files to his own server (IE megaupload, hotfile, mediafire etc .. not sure what he used). Doing this gave him new links to post on his page .. this is annoying but, not a big deal which is why he is remaining "Blog A" and not being called out. HOWEVER, we now turn our attention to "Blog B" or "Mr. Douchebag" .. You Sir are pretty much the lowest of the low!! a real piece of shit!! Let me start my rant about this dick head here, .. as I've been viewing Blog A's page for the last week, I had seen SEVERAL conversations between him and Mr Douchebag about people "stealing" thier "work" or "links" and posting them on thier own pages .. why this is funny will be explained in just a second. So today, when visiting Blog A's page, I seen a link for Blog B .. I clicked it honestly out of curiosity .. much to my surprise, when I go to the page, staring right at me are 4 posts stolen DIRECTLY from MY page!!! It's bad enough when people steal your work and change the links but THIS lazy mother fucker didn't even do THAT!!! He used MY direct links from my page!!! He literally just copied and pasted from my page to his!!! Now, when I seen this, I was pretty annoyed, I wasn't even pissed, just annoyed so, I decided that I would post in his shout box .. I said "if you're going to steal someone elses work, at least change the links or give them credit" .. I personally didn't think that was all that bad .. I wasn't pissed, I was annoyed but at this point, was finding humor in the fact that this dude who I had watched bitch about people stealing from HIM was in fact, stealing!! So, I go to rehersal, I come home and log on to see if he had commented back to me .. No, he didn't comment back. What he DID do however was delete my comment .. so no one else would see he's a thief I'm assuming .. AND, to add insult to injury, he BANNED me from commenting on his page!!! Now, THIS in and of it's self is bad enough but, as I'm reading his shout box, someone posted that one of the tracks were messed up on one of the uploads he stole from me (thank you for that info BTW .. I did indeed fix said problem) .. and do you know what this piece of shit responded to him with?? Let me show you ... "soldierofthenight: my computer is on the fritz it is doing that when I download cds . I need to get a new one . Very low on hard drive space.. I will try to redo it .." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! It's doing it when HE downloads cds!?!?!?! HE will try to REDO it?!?!?!?! You fucking STOLE the link you piece of shit!!! This is "taking credit" to a whole NEW level!!!! You truly are the lowest of the fucking low!!!
But, that's ok douchebag .. all the links you stole are now password protected so they are literally useless to you .. have fun with them on your page!! And have fun explaining away to people who want to download them off your page why you don't have the passwords!!! Did I mention you're a douchebag???
To everyone else, I apologize that alot of my links are now password protected .. I personally HATE using them BUT, thanks to Mr. Douchebag, I have added them. If you want to download something from me, email me and I will gladly give you the passwords. To Mr Douchebag, Fuck Off!!
Here's a link to his blogspot:
By all means, feel free to go there and post in his shout box what a piece of shit he is .. he WILL delete it and ban you so, you only have one shot at posting .. make it count kids :D
I understand that it's comman practice to take stuff from someone elses blog and post it on your own. I personally have never done this! Everything you see posted on my page is from my personal collection and has been uploaded by ME! With that being said, typically, I don't have a problem seeing my work on other people's blog but YOU sir, have taken this act to a whole NEW level!!!
Let me explain to those "not in the loop" .. I was directed to another blog (who we will refer too as Blog A) by a friend of mine and was told he thought this person had posted some things taken from my page .. how do I know that these things were taken from my page? Simple, the post by Blog A had artwork for albums that I personally had made!! The original album had no artwork. Now, as I said, I know this is pretty common and honestly, I found it amusing. I post things on my blog because I want to share music that I have that others may not so, knowing that people are "stealing" (and that's in quotes for a reason .. but we'll get to that in a minute) from my page and putting it on thiers is really no big deal to me .. it's still serving the purpose which is to share great music.
Now, let me get to the meat of my rant and more specifically Mr. Douchebag!! As I said, I knew Blog A was reposting things from my page .. Blog A at least had the deceny to re-upload the files to his own server (IE megaupload, hotfile, mediafire etc .. not sure what he used). Doing this gave him new links to post on his page .. this is annoying but, not a big deal which is why he is remaining "Blog A" and not being called out. HOWEVER, we now turn our attention to "Blog B" or "Mr. Douchebag" .. You Sir are pretty much the lowest of the low!! a real piece of shit!! Let me start my rant about this dick head here, .. as I've been viewing Blog A's page for the last week, I had seen SEVERAL conversations between him and Mr Douchebag about people "stealing" thier "work" or "links" and posting them on thier own pages .. why this is funny will be explained in just a second. So today, when visiting Blog A's page, I seen a link for Blog B .. I clicked it honestly out of curiosity .. much to my surprise, when I go to the page, staring right at me are 4 posts stolen DIRECTLY from MY page!!! It's bad enough when people steal your work and change the links but THIS lazy mother fucker didn't even do THAT!!! He used MY direct links from my page!!! He literally just copied and pasted from my page to his!!! Now, when I seen this, I was pretty annoyed, I wasn't even pissed, just annoyed so, I decided that I would post in his shout box .. I said "if you're going to steal someone elses work, at least change the links or give them credit" .. I personally didn't think that was all that bad .. I wasn't pissed, I was annoyed but at this point, was finding humor in the fact that this dude who I had watched bitch about people stealing from HIM was in fact, stealing!! So, I go to rehersal, I come home and log on to see if he had commented back to me .. No, he didn't comment back. What he DID do however was delete my comment .. so no one else would see he's a thief I'm assuming .. AND, to add insult to injury, he BANNED me from commenting on his page!!! Now, THIS in and of it's self is bad enough but, as I'm reading his shout box, someone posted that one of the tracks were messed up on one of the uploads he stole from me (thank you for that info BTW .. I did indeed fix said problem) .. and do you know what this piece of shit responded to him with?? Let me show you ... "soldierofthenight: my computer is on the fritz it is doing that when I download cds . I need to get a new one . Very low on hard drive space.. I will try to redo it .." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! It's doing it when HE downloads cds!?!?!?! HE will try to REDO it?!?!?!?! You fucking STOLE the link you piece of shit!!! This is "taking credit" to a whole NEW level!!!! You truly are the lowest of the fucking low!!!
But, that's ok douchebag .. all the links you stole are now password protected so they are literally useless to you .. have fun with them on your page!! And have fun explaining away to people who want to download them off your page why you don't have the passwords!!! Did I mention you're a douchebag???
To everyone else, I apologize that alot of my links are now password protected .. I personally HATE using them BUT, thanks to Mr. Douchebag, I have added them. If you want to download something from me, email me and I will gladly give you the passwords. To Mr Douchebag, Fuck Off!!
Here's a link to his blogspot:
By all means, feel free to go there and post in his shout box what a piece of shit he is .. he WILL delete it and ban you so, you only have one shot at posting .. make it count kids :D
Monday, February 7, 2011
Luxury Pushers - Eat It (2004)

01 Just Like Faye Dunaway
02 Everything Ya Got
03 Poster Child
04 A Simple Yes
05 Just In It for the Fuckin'
Luxury Pushers - Quitter's Holiday (2005)

01 Bruises to Prove It
02 (Whole Lotta) Nothin'
03 Drag On
04 Crumpled Up
05 Out on a Wire
06 Loser You Want
07 Fly the Flag
Luxury Pushers - Welcome to the Party, Traitor (2009)

01 3 Minute Manifesto
02 Little A-Bomb
03 Strictly Low Rent
04 On the Mend
05 Make It Up As You Go
06 Just Like Faye Dunaway 4 MB
07 Everything Ya Got
08 Poster Child 3 MB
09 A Simple Yes
10 Just In It for the Fuckin'
Monday, January 31, 2011
Melodica - Long Way From Home (2000)

01 It's Not Enough
02 Never Let You Go
03 Come Runnin'
04 Best Friend
05 Hardest Part Of Love
06 Forget About You
07 Playing With Fire
08 Long Way From Home
09 Take Me Away
10 A Long Time Ago
Melodica - Lovemetal (2001)

01 Summer Nights
02 Head Over Heels
03 Lovemetal
04 Broken Promises
05 I'll Never Break Your Heart
06 Out Of My Mind
07 Shake
08 Crazy
09 Keep On Runnin'
10 What Number Are You
11 Gotta Save Yourself (Instrumental)
Melodica - USAcoustica (2001)

01 Summer Nights
02 Broken Promises
03 Lovemetal
04 Come Runnin'
05 Better Off Dead
06 Out Of My Mind
07 Best Friend
08 Long Way From Love
09 It's Not Enough
10 Fire Woman (Full Band Electric Cover Version)
11 Out Of My Mind (Electric Demo)
12 Never Let You Go (Original Demo Version)
13 Hardest Part Of Love (Original Demo Version)
14 It's Not Enough (Original Demo Version)
Poley / Pichler - Big 1 (2002)

01 Parachute
02 I Love You
03 Elton John
04 You're The One
05 How Many Nights
06 Let Me Out
07 Darkest Hour
08 Stuck On You
09 Better Off Dead
10 Don't Spread Your Lies
DC-10 - Co-Burn (1990)
1) Hey Kid
2) Ghetto Eyes
3) Miss Thing
4) Keep On
5) People
6) Nothin But A Groove
7) In My Condition
8) Boov Coburn
9) Funky Weatherman
10) Blinded
The Scream became DC-10 .. Billy Fogarty, John Alderete, Bruce Bouillet, John Moore, and Abe Labriel Jr. Recorded at Tarasound studios in June of 1995. Mixed and recorded by Mario Caladto Jr. and Bruce Bouillet.
2) Ghetto Eyes
3) Miss Thing
4) Keep On
5) People
6) Nothin But A Groove
7) In My Condition
8) Boov Coburn
9) Funky Weatherman
10) Blinded
The Scream became DC-10 .. Billy Fogarty, John Alderete, Bruce Bouillet, John Moore, and Abe Labriel Jr. Recorded at Tarasound studios in June of 1995. Mixed and recorded by Mario Caladto Jr. and Bruce Bouillet.
The Scream - 1993 Takin' It To The Next Level (Unreleased 2nd Album)
1) Kool World
2) What U See
3) Miss Thang
4) Kick Back
5) Another Rock
6) Get It Together
7) One Foot In The Grave
8) Ain't Got Nuthin'
9) Comin' Down
10) Good Lookin' Out
11) Love C.C.A.
12) It's A Long Way
This CD was never released due to Hollywood Records going in the tank in '93-'94. The Scream's A & R person mysteriously exited from the picture (that's the story and I'm stickin' to it...) Billy, Alderete, and Bruce went on to form the short-lived group "DC-10" and recorded "Co-Burn".
2) What U See
3) Miss Thang
4) Kick Back
5) Another Rock
6) Get It Together
7) One Foot In The Grave
8) Ain't Got Nuthin'
9) Comin' Down
10) Good Lookin' Out
11) Love C.C.A.
12) It's A Long Way
This CD was never released due to Hollywood Records going in the tank in '93-'94. The Scream's A & R person mysteriously exited from the picture (that's the story and I'm stickin' to it...) Billy, Alderete, and Bruce went on to form the short-lived group "DC-10" and recorded "Co-Burn".
The Scream - Unreleased Tracks
The Scream - Unreleased Tracks
1) Young And Dumb (From "Encino Man")
2) Head For Backstage Pass (From "Jeffology"on Shrapnel Records. Abe Laboriel Jr. on Drums. 1995)
3) Father Mother Son (Acoustic vesion from promo CD 1991)
1) Young And Dumb (From "Encino Man")
2) Head For Backstage Pass (From "Jeffology"on Shrapnel Records. Abe Laboriel Jr. on Drums. 1995)
3) Father Mother Son (Acoustic vesion from promo CD 1991)
Saints Or Sinners - Live At Sachs (1990) (Pre The Scream)
Saints Or Sinners - 1990 Live At Sachs
1) Every Inch A Woman
2) Loves Got A Hold On Me
3) Lita
4) I've Been Waiting
5) Outlaw
6) Shake Shake
7) You Are All I Need
8) Operator
9) Bruce Solo
10) Catch Me If You Can
Before they became "The Scream", they were called Saints Or Sinners. Thanks to WBM on the Racer X Board, we have a bootleg of the show recorded April 1990.
1, 2, 5, 7, 10 ended up on Let It Scream.
1) Every Inch A Woman
2) Loves Got A Hold On Me
3) Lita
4) I've Been Waiting
5) Outlaw
6) Shake Shake
7) You Are All I Need
8) Operator
9) Bruce Solo
10) Catch Me If You Can
Before they became "The Scream", they were called Saints Or Sinners. Thanks to WBM on the Racer X Board, we have a bootleg of the show recorded April 1990.
1, 2, 5, 7, 10 ended up on Let It Scream.
Black Bambi - One Night Only (1990)

01 Celebration
02 Lay Me Down
03 Meantime
04 Mary's Birthday
05 Blackbird
06 Seven Miles
07 Broken Mirror
08 991/2
09 Down
10 Soul Of A Child
11 Shadows
12 Crucified
Kidd Wicked - Thick (1998)

Billy Morris (vocals / guitar)
Lance Horwedel (guitar)
Joe Frietchen (bass)
Todd Shelly (drums)
Badlands - Demos & Unreleased (2002)

01 Let it bleed
02 Shake down
03 The last time #1
04 Get ready
05 Soul lives in the heart
06 In the heat
07 Badland
08 Jade's song
10 Reckless child
11 Hard driver
12 The last time #2
13 Rumblin' train
14 Devil's stomp
15 Seasons
16 Time goes by
17 Want to live
Ma Kelley - Ma Kelley (1990)

01. Pull the Trigger
02. Angel Eyes
03. Cry Cry
04. Take Me Down the Road
05. Lonely One
06. Love in the Dark
07. Scream
08. Wasting Away
09. Thumbs Up
Ma Kelley - Some Live Some Not (1991)

01. Welcome Home
02. Hard Way Out
03. Renaissance Man
04. Trapped
05. Whiskey Drinkin' Woman
06. Love in the Dark (live)
07. It Ain't Over (live)
08. Action (live)
09. Jimmy Quick (live)
10. One for All (live)
11. Angel Eyes (live)
Ma Kelley - Banned In America (1993)

01. America Banned
02. Scared
03. She Wants Your Money
04. Love/Hate
05. Runnin' Round In Circles
06. Exotic Metal
07. Nasty
08. Maneater
09. Pull The Trigger
10. No Reason
Ma Kelley - Change In The Weather (1995)

01. Think
02. Push
03. Change In The Weather
04. Mr. Invisible
05. Play With Fire
06. Rain
07. Soul
08. Nothin' Ever Changes
09. Zero (Evil People)
10. Round 'N' Round
11. Open Your Eyes
12. The Memory Remains
Ma Kelley - Human Dance (1997)

01. Bigger than Life
02. Down the Pipe
03. Money Tree
04. Love/Hate
05. Language of Love
06. Battlefield
07. Social Suffocation
08. Thing Called Life
09. Divide and Multiply
10. Human Dance
11. All Right Now
12. Green Gang
Social Distortion
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Last Vegas

For My First Post I Decided To Go With One Of Chicago's Finest The Last Vegas. Before They Were Buckcherry Ripoffs They Were A Nasty Down N Dirty Rock Band.So If You Know Who Have Any Idea Who They Are, And Have Only Heard Whatever Gets You Off, Or Even If You Haven't Heard Them Grab This Shit.
Coming Back
I've been M.I.A. for a pretty long time but, I'm going to start posting here again. A good friend of mine, Johnny Trash is going to be posting here as well. So, between the 2 of us, there's going to be tons of cool stuff coming ... Stay tuned ...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Barnabas - Hear The Light (1980)
Barnabas was a Christian rock band that performed during the 1980s. Noted for strong vocals and hard driving guitar work, their sound was primarily hard rock with influences ranging from punk rock early in their career to heavy metal which dominated the sound of later albums.
The name of the band was taken from that of the New Testament disciple Barnabas.
Monte Cooley and Gary Mann founded the band in southern California in 1977Barnabas, before they were aware that any other Christian hard rock bands were in existence.
After the completion of the first album, Monte decided to leave the band, but his creation continued with a new line up.
During the mid-80's, Barnabas clashed with some church organizations who disapproved of a heavy metal sound being used in a Christian context. Noted critics included Bob Larson, Jimmy Swaggart, Bill Gothard and Jerry Falwell.
Some think that the controversy finally took it's toll, as Barnabas broke up after the recordings were completed for Little Foxes in 1986. However, it is a known fact that Christian heavy metal continued to flourish well into the next millennium, and is still going strong today, with millions of fans and strong support from many established churches.

1. Saviour
2. There's a New World Coming
3. Directory Assistance
4. Little Faith
5. He Loves You
6. B.C.
7. Playin' for Him
8. No More Blues
9. Father of Lies
10. It's Up to You
The name of the band was taken from that of the New Testament disciple Barnabas.
Monte Cooley and Gary Mann founded the band in southern California in 1977Barnabas, before they were aware that any other Christian hard rock bands were in existence.
After the completion of the first album, Monte decided to leave the band, but his creation continued with a new line up.
During the mid-80's, Barnabas clashed with some church organizations who disapproved of a heavy metal sound being used in a Christian context. Noted critics included Bob Larson, Jimmy Swaggart, Bill Gothard and Jerry Falwell.
Some think that the controversy finally took it's toll, as Barnabas broke up after the recordings were completed for Little Foxes in 1986. However, it is a known fact that Christian heavy metal continued to flourish well into the next millennium, and is still going strong today, with millions of fans and strong support from many established churches.

1. Saviour
2. There's a New World Coming
3. Directory Assistance
4. Little Faith
5. He Loves You
6. B.C.
7. Playin' for Him
8. No More Blues
9. Father of Lies
10. It's Up to You
Barnabas - Feel The Fire (1982)

1. Find Your Heart a Home
2. The Conflict of Desire
3. Way to Destruction
4. Boogie Tyme
5. Swordman
6. Southern Woman
7. Star
Barnabas - Approching Light Speed (1983)

1. No Freedom
2. Stormclouds
3. If Love Brings Love
4. Waiting for the Aliens
5. Warrior
6. Never Felt Better
7. Subterfuge
8. Crucifixion
Barnabas - Feel The Fire (1984)

1. Prelude
2. The Dream
3. Breathless Wonderment
4. Hearts
5. Feel the Fire
6. Northern Lights
7. Follow You Up
8. Suite for the Souls of Our Enemies - Part One: Hammer and Sickle
Barnabas - Little Foxes (1986)

1. Gospel Maniac
2. Little Foxes
3. Destroy After Use
4. Auschwitz '87
5. China White
6. Sins of the Fathers
7. All Alone
8. Suite for the Souls of Our Enemies - Part Two: Lover
Friday, April 30, 2010
Barren Cross - Believe EP (1985)
Barren Cross is a Christian metal band that was formed in Los Angeles, California in 1983 by high school pals Ray Parris (guitar) and Steve Whitaker (drums). The band released six albums from 1986 to 1994
Musically, the band is often compared to Iron Maiden, mainly due to the similarity of the vocals between Mike Lee and Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson. Lyrically, the band is noted for its uncompromising stance on a number of social issues. Their songs addressed personal and societal ills such as suicide, abortion, terrorism, and prejudice from a Christian worldview

01 "Believe" (2:16)
02 "He Loves You"(4:37)
03 "Just A Touch" (3:26)
04 "Give Your Life" (2:53)
05 "Light The Flame" (5:33)
06 "Going Nowhere" (3:45)
**Note: Initial version of Believe came out on the MPPA label with a blue cover and white text/logo. The Erika Records re-issue featured a white cover with blue text/logo. Both include the same six tracks.
Musically, the band is often compared to Iron Maiden, mainly due to the similarity of the vocals between Mike Lee and Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson. Lyrically, the band is noted for its uncompromising stance on a number of social issues. Their songs addressed personal and societal ills such as suicide, abortion, terrorism, and prejudice from a Christian worldview

01 "Believe" (2:16)
02 "He Loves You"(4:37)
03 "Just A Touch" (3:26)
04 "Give Your Life" (2:53)
05 "Light The Flame" (5:33)
06 "Going Nowhere" (3:45)
**Note: Initial version of Believe came out on the MPPA label with a blue cover and white text/logo. The Erika Records re-issue featured a white cover with blue text/logo. Both include the same six tracks.
Barren Cross - Rock For The King (1986)

01 "Dying Day" (3:25)
02 "He Loves You" (4:34)
03 "It’s All Come True" (4:02)
04 "Believe" (2:12)
05 "Going Nowhere" (4:36)
06 "Rock For The King" (5:00)
07 "Give Your Life" (2:47)
08 "Just A Touch" (3:26)
09 "Light The Flame" (5:31)
Barren Cross - Atomic Arena (1988)

01 “Imaginary Music” (4:26)
02 “Killers Of The Unborn” (3:28)
03 “In The Eye Of The Fire” (4:27)
04 “Terrorist Child” (3:30)
05 “Close To The Edge” (4:55
06 “Dead Lock” (4:18)
07 “Cultic Regimes” (2:48)
08“Heaven Or Nothing” (4:10)
09 “King Of Kings” (3:30)
10 “ Living Dead” (6:50)
Barren Cross - State Of Control (1989)

01 “State of Control” (3:52
02 “Out of Time” (4:09)
03 “Cryin' Over You” (4:53)
04 “A Face In the Dark” (3:55)
05 “The Stage of Intensity” (6:36)
06 “Hard Lies” (4:18)
07 “Inner War” (4:09)
08 “Love at Full Volume” (2:28)
09 “Bigotry Man (Who Are You) (4:42)
10 “Two Thousand Year” (7:09)
11 “Your Love Gives” (3:54)
12 “Escape the Night” (3:54)
**Note: The Enigma version of State Of Control features “Escape In The Night” as a bonus track. The ballad “Your Love Gives” is the bonus track on the Benson version distributed to Christian stores.
Barren Cross - Hotter Than Hell (1990)

01 "Imaginary Music" (5:30)
02 "Dying Day" (4:01)
03 "Killers of the Unborn" (3:22)
04 "Close to the Edge" (4:56)
05 "Going Nowhere" (4:53)
06 "Dead Lock" (4:11)
07 "Opus to the Third Heaven" (4:21)
08 "King of Kings" (6:45)
09 "In the Eye of the Fire" (6:52)
10 "Rock for the King" (5:25)
11 "Light the Flame" (7:40)
12 "Terrorist Child" (6:13)
13 "King Jesus and Blues Jam" (4:24)
14"Give Your Life" (5:06)
Barren Cross - Rattle Your Cage (1994)

01 "Rattle Your Cage" (4:19)
02 "Here I Am" (3:29)
03 "Unsuspecting" (3:57)
04 "No Time to Run" (3:35)
05 "Sick" (3:27)
06 "Somewhere Far Away" (2:52)
07 "Feed the Fire" (3:37)
08 "Let It Go Let It Die" (4:49)
09 "Time For Love" (3:10)
10 "J.R.M." (3:52)
11 "Your Will" (3:47)
12 "Midnight Son" (5:19)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
New American Shame - Demo (1988)

01 Under It All
02 Broken Bones
03 What's It to You
04 American Shame
05 Skin Up
06 Sex Teen
07 Auburn
08 Doghouse
New American Shame were formed in 1998 in Seattle, Washington by guitarist Jimmy Paulson, formerly of The Lemons, and vocalist Johnny Reidt, who is often credited as the one-named Johnny. The group's lineup was rounded up by bassist Kelly Wheeler, drummer Jack Stringham, and second guitarist Terry Bratsch. The groups sound was reminiscent of '70's hard rock than the grungier sound associated with Seattle, drawing influences from the likes of AC/DC and Aerosmith.
New American Shame - S/T (1988)

01 Under It All
02 Broken Bones
03 What's It to You
04 American Shame
05 Down in the Valley
06 Rather Be Rich
07 Skin Up
08 Somethin' Right
09 Sex Teen
10 Lesson I Cool
11 Auburn
12 Doghouse
Category IV - The Storm (2005)

01 The Past
02 The Chair
03 Stood By You
04 Wherever You Go
05 Smart Ass
06 Take Your Train
07 Highway Heaven
08 Bleed
09 Dreams
10 Yesterday
11 Took Nothing
Taken from the bands Myspace page:
"Category IV is one of the most Rockin', energetic and talented bands to hit the scene for quite some time. Formed in 2003 by Bassist Jon and singer, guitar player and all around entertainer Donnie, the band consists of seasoned veterans of the central Ohio music community. The combination of one of Ohio's most talented entertainers in Donnie, a rock-solid drummer in Dave and a ground pounding bassist in Jon makes for nothing short of "Rock N Roll Ear Candy". The band continues to write music in preparation for their second CD."
"Our music is a mixture of Glam, Rock and Metal. We do straight in your face Arena Rock with some power ballads and Blues mixed in."
Crabtree (Featuring Joey. C Jones) - S/T (1999)

01 Plastic Grin
02 Sensation Of The Ages
03 Spilling Glitter
04 30 Silver More
05 1000 Bitter Days
06 Reevolve
07 Space Fatigue
08 Which Earth
09 Mail Order Girlfriend
10 Dead Flowers
11 Automatic High
12 Blurred
13 Hart
Crabtree is another band from Joey C. Jones of Sweet Savage, Joey C. Jones And The Gloryhounds and Orange Helicopter fame
Taken from Joey's Myspace page:
"After 10 years of writing I wanted to display another side of my songwriting. In 1999 I co-wrote and recorded 12 haunting melodies and the result was the cd release Crabtree. Crabtree toured with acts such as Kid Rock, Monster Magnet, Slashes Snakepit and others. England's 1 music magazine, Kerrang gave Joey's other side 5 stars."
The Gits - Seafish Louisville (2000)

01. Whirlwind
02. Seaweed
03. Absynthe (Live)
04. Another Shot of Whiskey (Live)
05. Insecurities (Live)
06. Slaughter of Bruce (Live)
07. Precious Blood
08. While You're Twisting, I'm Still Breathing
09. A
10. Social Love (Live)
11. It Doesn't Matter
12. Kings & Queens
13. Wingo Lamo (Live)
14. Here's To Your Fuck (Live)
15. Second Skin (Live)
16. Daily Bread
The Gits were an American punk rock band, formed in Yellow Springs, Ohio in 1986. Known for their part in the burgeoning Seattle music scene of the early 1990s, their distinct punk rock sound gained a reputation for its bluesy street punk aesthetic. They were known for their fiery live performances and retained a dedicated following both during and after their existence.
Singer Mia Zapata—influenced early on by blues, soul music and hardcore punk, sang of inner struggle, alcohol, death, and survival despite utter hopelessness. Other members included guitarist Joe Spleen (born Andy Kessler), bassist Matt Dresdner and drummer Steve Moriarty. During their existence, the band released two studio albums, one compilation of early recordings, one live recording, three 7" singles and appeared on various compilations. The band also recorded on a few independent labels, and released its two studio albums on C/Z Records. In 2003, each release in the band's discography was remastered and expanded with bonus tracks on Broken Rekids.
The band dissolved in 1993 following the murder of Zapata. Though the band never signed with a major label and never reached a mainstream audience, Zapata has nevertheless been cited as an influence by several subsequent female punk vocalists.
Seafish Louisville is a compilation of songs released posthumously in 2000 on the Broken Rekids label. The record is primarily a collection of live tracks and alternate takes including the newly discovered track "Whirlwind."
Evil Stig (Featuring Joan Jett) - S/T (1995)

01. Sign of the Crab
02. Bob (Cousin O.)
03. Drinking Song
04. Spear and Magic Helmet
05. Last to Know
06. Guilt Within Your Head
07. Whirlwind
08. Another Shot of Whiskey
09. Second Skin
10. Activity Grrrl
11. You Got a Problem
12. Crimson & Clover
13. Drunks
Evil Stig was formed by Joan Jett and the Gits (bassist Matt Dresdner, drummer Steve Moriarty, guitarist Joe Spleen) after that band's lead singer, Mia Zapata, was raped and murdered in Seattle. The band united for a benefit concert to raise money for a continuing investigation into the killing, and recorded an album. "Whirlwhind" has Jett singing a duet with Zapata's pre-recorded voice.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Def Leppard - Retromaina

CD 1
1.Burnout (Japan CDS Goodbye 99)
2.I Am Your Child (Japan bonus track CD Euphoria 99)
3.Immortal (Japan CDS Goodbye 99)
4.Jimmy's Theme (Japan CDS All I Want Is Everything 96)
5.Kiss The Day (Japan bonus track CD X 02)
6.American Girl (Japan bonus track CD Yeah! 06)
7.Little Wing (Japan CDS Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad 92)
8.Led Boots (Japan CDS All I Want Is Everything 96)
9.Truth (original Version) (Japan CDS Slang 96)
10.From The Inside (acoustic) (Japan CD Slang Ltd 96)
11.Rebel Rebel (CDS Now 02)
12.Under My Wheels (Japan CDS Goodbye 99)
13.You Can't Always Get What You Want (Japan CDS Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad 92)
14.When Love & Hate Collide (acoustic) (Japan CD Slang Ltd 96)
15.Move With Me Slowly (Japan CD Slang Ltd 96)
16.Cause We Ended As Lovers (Japan CDS All I Want Is Everything 96)
CD 2
1.Search And Destroy (Japan bonus track CD Yeah! 06)
2.Nine Lives (Def Leppard version - Japan Album Songs From The Spark Lounge 08)
3.Release Me (CDS Rocket 89)
4.When Saturday Comes (Japan CDS All I Want Is Everything 96)
5.S.M.C. (Japan CDS Two Steps Behind 93)
6.10x Bigger Than (DVDS Love Long Long Way To Go 03)
7.Stay With Me (CDS Now 02)
8.Gimme A Job (DVDS Love Long Long Way To Go 03)
9.Ziggy Stardust (live cover D.Bowie) (Japan CDS Work It Out 96)
10.When Love Hate Collide (CDS When Love And Hate Collide 95)
11.Can't Keep Away From The Flame (Japan CD Vault 95)
12.Animal (acoustic) (Japan CD Slang Ltd 96)
13.Armageddon It (acoustic) (Japan CD Slang Ltd 96)
14.Long Long Way To Go (acoustic) (Japan bonus track CD X 02)
15.Love (acoustic version) (Japan bonus track CD Songs from the Sparkle Lounge 09)
16.Pour Some Sugar On Me (acoustic) (Japan CD Slang Ltd 96)
Def Leppard - Ultimate Rarities Collection

Ultimate Rarities Collection Disc I: Demos Acoustic & Rare
01 Heat Street
02 See The Light
03 Glad I'm Alive
04 Good Morning Freedom
05 Ride Into The Sun
06 Medicine Man
07 Warchild
08 Beyond The Temple
09 Tomorrow Seems Like Yesterday
10 She's Too Tough
11 Pour Some Sugar On Me (Acoustic)
12 Animal (Acoustic)
13 Ziggy Stardust (Acoustic)
14 Honky Tonk Women (Soundcheck)
15 Run Riot (Soundcheck)
16 Work It Out
17 Back In Black (Phil Lead Vocal)
Ultimate Rarities Collection Disc II: B-Sides & Instrumentals
01 Under My Wheels (Alice Copper Cover)
02 Worlds Collide
03 Burnout
04 Immortal
05 Who Do You Love
06 Can't Keep Away From The Flame
07 Don't Look Down
08 I Am Your Child
09 Move With Me Slowly
10 When Saturday Comes
11 Little Wing (Jimmi Hendrix Cover)
12 You Cant Always Get What You Want (Rolling Stones Cover)
13 Releasse Me (W/ Mick Ronson)
14 Led Boots (Instrumental)
15 Jimmys Theme (Instrumental)
16 Cause We Ended Up As Lovers (Instrumental)
17 SMC (Instrumental)
Ultimate Rarities Collection Disc III: Live Rarities
01 Mirror Mirror (Look Into My Eyes)
02 Deliever Me
03 Can't Get Enough
04 All I Want Is Everything
05 Stagefright
06 Rock Rock Till You Drop
07 Don't Shoot Shotgun
08 Gods Of War
09 Die Hard The Hunter
10 Let It Go
11 Travlin' Band Medley
12 Elected
13 Now I'm Here
14 Pour Some Sugar On Me
15 Women
Def Leppard - Warchild (1978)

01. Misty Dreamer (Tomorrow Seems Like Yesterday)
02. Warchild
03. Got to see the lights
04. Overture
05. Beyond the temple
06. Wasted
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